[AlaskaRC] Grumman F-7F Tigercat Demonstration - 4, 000+ Horsepower ! - YouTube

Marty Hall mjhall at alaskarcs.com
Mon Jun 8 17:10:44 AKDT 2015

When I retired from the Navy I got a job at Sis-Q Flying Service simply
because they were, at that time, flying these airplanes fire-bombing. and
because I need a job which was of some importance. Then and now I've felt
the Tigercat was sex with wings. The times that a low pass was made while I
was  there it would make the hair on the back of my neck stand up. I tried
to get the back seat put in on one so I could go for a ride but that never
happened. Be sure to let you tube load the next video and the next  and the
next and so on. Lots of neat videos here.

Hang on.. here comes the Tigercat! She even sounds sexy taxing by... Like a
BIG Harley..


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