[AlaskaRC] Newly Restored B-17 Memphis Belle

Steven Lingle barisax at olypen.com
Tue Jul 31 10:09:27 AKDT 2018

There are several reasons why I still get a lump in my throat whenever I get close to a B17. First, having flown in and given 15 minutes of stick time, I'm convinced it's one of the top five aircraft ever made. The way it handles, and the way it brought home hundreds of our men with damage no other plane could have endured makes it so in my book. But more importantly, it always serves as a reminder to me of what those men went through for us.....sitting in a freezing cold tube, knowing the odds were that you weren't going to make it back. Thank you, Boeing for building a wonderful machine, and God bless the men who flew them. (Donnie)
A short video of the installation of the Memphis Belle.

EAA (Experimental Aircraft Association) staff attended the opening of the B-17F Memphis Belle exhibit at the National Museum of the U.S. Air Force in May 2018. The Memphis Belle was the first heavy bomber aircraft and crew to complete 25 missions and return home to the U.S. during World War II. Prior to its restoration by the NMUSAF, the aircraft had been on display in Memphis, Tennessee, for many years. It was acquired by the museum in 2005 and had been in restoration until earlier this year. The exhibit’s opening coincided with the 75th anniversary of the crew and airplane’s 25th mission.

http://inspire.eaa.org/2018/06/12/memphis-belle-unveiling/?mkt_tok=eyJpIjoiTm1SaE0yTTROek5pWmpWaiIsInQiOiJwTG1wTVRPT2xZVnJxK0ZMTFZjSTVOSG13aERKQUwzWXFRUlZ5RXk0NDVQMm11T2xIZkhTQmZrOU1reU9QaUw5XC9IVzlDb1FwVE9DaXdHQVwvTXBRcXVTXC9XaldLSFZSOWl2c2ZuSHpcL0REeUJMbGNXUGxMcFlBSEZFakFseWJMVnIifQ%3D%3D <http://inspire.eaa.org/2018/06/12/memphis-belle-unveiling/?mkt_tok=eyJpIjoiTm1SaE0yTTROek5pWmpWaiIsInQiOiJwTG1wTVRPT2xZVnJxK0ZMTFZjSTVOSG13aERKQUwzWXFRUlZ5RXk0NDVQMm11T2xIZkhTQmZrOU1reU9QaUw5XC9IVzlDb1FwVE9DaXdHQVwvTXBRcXVTXC9XaldLSFZSOWl2c2ZuSHpcL0REeUJMbGNXUGxMcFlBSEZFakFseWJMVnIifQ%3D%3D>
Memphis Belle Unveiling <http://inspire.eaa.org/2018/06/12/memphis-belle-unveiling/?mkt_tok=eyJpIjoiTm1SaE0yTTROek5pWmpWaiIsInQiOiJwTG1wTVRPT2xZVnJxK0ZMTFZjSTVOSG13aERKQUwzWXFRUlZ5RXk0NDVQMm11T2xIZkhTQmZrOU1reU9QaUw5XC9IVzlDb1FwVE9DaXdHQVwvTXBRcXVTXC9XaldLSFZSOWl2c2ZuSHpcL0REeUJMbGNXUGxMcFlBSEZFakFseWJMVnIifQ%3D%3D>
inspire.eaa.org <http://inspire.eaa.org/>
The Memphis Belle was the first heavy bomber aircraft and crew to complete 25 missions and return home to the U.S. during World War II. It was acquired by the National Museum of the U.S. Air Force in 2005 and had been in restoration until earlier this year.

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