[AlaskaRC] Tuesday Evening Meeting

Don Fuller dfuller995 at gmail.com
Mon Jul 31 20:12:12 AKDT 2023

Our next meeting is tomorrow evening This will continue to be a hybrid
online and in person meeting. Here is the Google Meet Id for this upcoming
meeting. https://meet.google.com/wtw-bkuo-vim

Scale contest this Saturday, weather looks great come out and join the fun.
Sounds like we will have members staying the weekend.

We need to look at the books and discuss how to fund some field
improvements before winter, I know it's never great news when we have
projects that need funding however the road is getting really soupy and
needs some attention. We have some volunteers with equipment however we
will need to procure some gravel after the road is leveled out to keep it
from just being a mud hole. With our current membership level our dues just
cover the expense of operating the field. Any ideas are certainly welcome
to address this issue.
I have in the past reached out to some dump truck operators and think we
could work something out to get a decent price for loads delivered and
spread out of the dump truck on the road, I just don't want to start making
inquires until I know we have the funding available to follow through.

I know I have sailed past First flights over a few meetings, Remind me to
ask about first flights.

Contest Results: SAM and Pattern will be announced.

Pretty Plane Contest  Anchorage House of Hobbies $50.00 gift card up for
Don't forget to check out our Web Page http://alaskarc.org

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