[AlaskaRC] Celebration of life, Fred Keller

robert stephens rfstephens at hotmail.com
Thu Jun 27 16:51:44 AKDT 2024

Please remember that Fred Keller’s celebration of life will be held on June 29th starting at 2P at the Wasilla Public Library, 500 N. Crusey St, Wasilla, AK.  Fred passed away on January 15th 2024.

Saying that Fred was an important member of the ARCS is an understatement.  His list of accomplishments includes:
Mentoring middle schoolers at Teeland Middle School during many Science Olympiads.  He kids won a National Championship once.
Fred was an avid builder of home built airplanes. He won the “Best Homebuilt” at Oshkosh…..twice!
Fred pioneered electric RC power for micro model airplanes in Alaska. His example got many of us started in a facet of the hobby which is now mainstream, Indoor flying.
Fred also restored old automobiles.  My favorite was his replica of a “Flexible Flyer” wagon mounted on a small pickup truck chassis. I think we all had one these as kids.
I have just scratched the surface of Fred’s accomplishments and his remarkable story. There will but much to learn at his celebration of life or, as his life partner, Judy puts it, “Fred’s Thing”.    
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