[AlaskaRC] Tonight's Meeting

Don Fuller dfuller995 at gmail.com
Tue May 7 09:01:13 AKDT 2024

To all members:

The club is holding an in person meeting tonight at Bell's Nursery 7:30pm.
big thank you to Mike for allowing us to use his space. I will again host
the meeting online for those who can not make it in person. Here is the
meeting link,  https://meet.google.com/evv-scau-onx

I have been told the field is clear of snow but remains extremely wet and
soft. Please keep in mind we have not opened the field for use do to this
situation. I am hoping for an opening on the 18th however it is dependent
on the land and weather. I am sure our field director Mr. Rod will let us
know when the field is ready to use.

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